SmartHub FAQs
SmartHub FAQs
Q: What is SmartHub?
A: SmartHub is an online software that provides convenient account access and two-way communication to your telecom provider online or via your mobile device. Manage payments, notify customer service of account issues and receive special messaging from your provider all at the touch of a button. SmartHub is available on Android and iOS smartphones and tablets as well as on the Web.
Q: How do I sign up for SmartHub?
A: Go to SmartHub and click on the New User link to get started.
Q: Is my phone or tablet supported?
A: Simply look for our SmartHub in the Apple Store® or in the Android® Play Store.
The FREE Apps are supported on the following platforms:
IOS 3.1 and above (iPhone and/or iPad)
Android 2.1 and above (Smartphones or tablets)
Q: Is the App secure?
A: Yes! All critical information is encrypted in every transaction run and no personal information is stored on your mobile device. Mobile devices do offer you the ability to store your login information for the App installed on the device. If you choose to store your login information, any person who has access to your mobile device can access your account.
Q: What is the difference between the Mobile App and the Web Version of SmartHub?
A: Our Mobile Apps are native Applications that can be downloaded and installed on your compatible mobile phone or tablet device. The Web version is internet accessible from any web-enabled device. Both the App and the Web versions give you secure access to maintain your contact information, view your bills, see payment history, and to make payments on your account.
The Web version allows you to register your account to receive email and/or text notifications about your account such as your bill is available, payment confirmation, and an approaching or a missed due date. The Web version also has a My Profile page for you to maintain your password, security pass phrase, contact information, and stored payment methods.
Q: Do I have to buy the App?
A: No. Our App is free to download and install.
Q: Do I have to change the way I currently pay my bill in order to use SmartHub?
A: No. It is only if you choose to pay your bill online that you would need to utilize SmartHub’s bill payment feature. The other useful features are available to you no matter how you pay your bill.
Q: I have five accounts; can I see them all in the App and on the Web?
A: Yes, the Web version home page will display all of your accounts with the amounts due as well as hyperlinks to other detailed information. On the App, tap the Bill and Pay icon. The total due of all accounts is displayed and you can select different information by account, such as billing history, payment history, and payment options.
Q: How do I make a payment?
A: On the Web version, you can make a payment to a single account or to all accounts by clicking on the Pay My Bill button. To pay the total amount owed on multiple accounts, click the Pay Now button in the upper right corner of the screen or the Make Payment button on the home page. If you are using the App, tap the Bill & Pay gadget and tap the Pay button.
Q: Do I have to sign in to my account to make a payment?
A: On the Web version of SmartHub, you can make a payment without logging into your account, by using the Quick Pay button located under Payment Options on our website. You will have to know your account number in order to use the option. You do have to log into your account to make a payment from the App.
Q: How current is the account information I see in the App or on the Web?
A: The information that you see on the App and on the Web, is shown in real-time. However, if you keep your App or the Web version open for an extended period, you should refresh the page in order to ensure the information is current.
Q: How do I sign up for notifications and what if I want to receive notifications for multiple accounts?
A: You must log into the Web and click on Notifications. Select the preferred notification method (Text, Mobile Push, or Email) and fill out the appropriate notification information based on your selection. Click Next to continue, verify the notification parameters, and then confirm. If you have multiple accounts, you will be prompted to indicate which account the notification is for.
Q: Will my existing stored card and/or checking account information be available in SmartHub?
A: Yes. All financial information that you currently have stored on your web account will also be available in SmartHub.
Feel free to contact us at 812-967-3171, Option 3 if you have any additional questions.